Q. How much does the competitive program cost?

Refer to registration package. Prices subject to change per season, several payment plans and discounts are available.

Q. What are the options for paying?

We offer several payment options; FULL, HALF, and Monthly payments. If you choose monthly payments, prices will be with VAT – We do NOT accept VAT FORMS for monthly payments.

Q. How can I pay?

We provide the following payment options:

Credit Card, bank transfer or cash payment. (cash payment must be organized and requested by our staff). ProSoc online payment (credit card or bank transfer) will be via Sportsplus.

Q. Where do my fees go?

  • The USYS- fees cover the season.
    Your registration includes equipment, USYS membership, field rental, insurance, admin fees and uniforms. The USYS registration can slightly change depends on which USYS District you will be affiliated.
  • The training fees cover the cost of the Director of coaching, Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches. Each training and games. The fee’s are directly paid to ProSoc Academy. All payments made to ProSoc require a VAT form. (Monthly Payment doesn’t require a VAT FORM, the price will be with VAT)
  • USYS District’s Soccer and ProSoc Academy partner to provide our teams with licensed, professional or experienced coaching.

Q. Do I need VAT Form?

Yes, you need a VAT for all payments. Only valid VAT FORMS are accepted. The only payment doesn’t require a VAT FORM is our SKIES PROGRAM.

Q. What if I have multiple players in the program, how many VAT forms do I need?

You can use one VAT form for more than one participant in the program. Note: VAT forms cannot be backdated, only valid VAT FORMS are accepted.

Q. What happens if I do not turn in a VAT?

ProSoc will charge 19% tax, after the first week of your payment due.

Q. Where do I turn in the VAT?

  • You can mail your VAT form to our office at:

           ProSoc GmbH, Wiesenstraße 2, 66849 Landstuhl

  • Or hand your VAT to a USYS District representative (please arrange ahead of time).

Q. Who do I contact if I have a concern?

We are all here to help and to make the ProSoc experience the best possible:

©2025 ProSoc Academy
Established 2011

ProSoc GmbH

Wiesenstraße 2
66849 Landstuhl

t: +49 6371 8024718